Analytical Approach


The backbone of this project attends to the description of five systems (URBS, CYBER, CIVITAS, POLIS and DEMOS), which classify twelve independent factors. These describe the Future Implications that will define each City-Region configuration.

URBS. Urban System. The infrastructures have been used with a certain cost and usage rate. According to the land use perspective, we could implement, in some critical spaces, resilient and stakeholder-agreed community-based transition interventions.

CYBER. Relational System. We aim to achieve a quality based rather than quantity-based balanced equation of the Physical, Digital and Social Connectivity through the citizen and user participation. Connectivity´s final goal means a merging process between sustainability, social cohesion and territory/economy development.

CIVITAS. Socio-Cultural System. It is crucial to enable multicultural spaces and resources for social entrepreneurship in order to gain an r-urban-based citizenship.

POLIS. Socio-Political System. In the equality developed Five System´s approach, we encourage flexible and efficient institutional culture. Currently, political and administrative structures could be transformed by a majority of citizens, were they to agree any common new solution.

DEMOS. Democratic System. It is the Five System´s interdependent sum in permanent balance.
